Having joined the Sanz Group in 1999, Agroplastic is the Group company devoted to the manufacture of injection-moulded plastic parts.
In engineering, injection molding is a semi-continuous process that consists of injecting a polymer, ceramic or a metal in a molten (or hollowed) state into a mold closed under pressure and cold, through a small hole called a gate. In that mold the material solidifies, beginning to crystallize in semicrystalline polymers. The final part or part is obtained by opening the mold and removing the molded part from the cavity.
With a group of professionals with more than 20 years of experience in the sector and specialized machinery, in Agroplastic we have completed projects in industries as diverse as agriculture, drip irrigation, pruning saws, childcare, solar energy, home, automotive, lighting , among other.

We currently have 13 injectors, ranging from 60 tons to 480 tons of pressure, which allows us to transform a wide variety of plastic compounds, and inject parts whose weight ranges between 1grs. and 1.5kgs
In the same way we have an assembly area and assembly machines, used to articulate the injected parts according to the requirements of our customers, delivering finished products that are made through quality processes integrated into our technical procedures.
As an added advantage, in Agroplastic we have a workshop of matricería and department of R + D + i. We have the ability to carry out integrated and end-to-end projects, shortening execution times, simplifying operations and having a global vision of each project, since we can integrate processes by obtaining synergies.
Specialists in plastic injection
We have a group of professionals with more than 20 years of experience in the sector, which together with the specialized machinery allows us to complete projects in a versatile way in various industries.
We have the most complete range of kits for mosquito nets
Sliding mosquito net
Roll-up mosquito net
Contact our professionals
With a group of professionals with over twenty years’ experience in the sector and specialised machinery, at Agroplastic we have completed projects for such different industries as agriculture, household, automotive, illumination, among others.
Why Agroplastic?

Our manufactured products, entirely in Spain, allow us to guarantee quality with European standards.

Grupo Sanz, with 65 people in the company puts in the hands of the client all the potential and experience acquired in the last 30 years.

Customers like VW, Audi, Mercadona, Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, MSD… trust us every year for the design and manufacture of their products.
Own development
Every year, our Product Development Department improves our current catalog and designs new products to allow our customers to be increasingly competitive.
We have our own R&D department with more than 15 patents and industrial designs in force, which guarantees us and our clients a continuous work in cost optimization and adaptation to the new market demands.
Prototyping through 3D printing in our own facilities optimizes the design and testing, with maximum efficiency in time and costs.
In our facilities, we have a workshop of matricería composed of a multidisciplinary team 8 people for the realization and maintenance of molds, which allows that with a single supplier, our clients have an integral service: Design and manufacture of molds, preseries and production.
Being a type of product with great seasonality, stock and logistics play a fundamental role, in Agroplastic we have 10,000 square meters in our facilities that allow us maximum efficiency in production, storage and delivery.

TÉCNICAS AGROPLASTIC, SL. ha recibido por parte de la Conselleria de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo de la Generalitat Valenciana, la Subvención de 38.503,11 € en apoyo al proyecto INPYME/2022/605 del “Programa ayudas para mejorar la competitividad y sostenibilidad de las pymes industriales de los sectores de la Comunitat Valenciana del calzado, cerámico, metal-mecánico, textil, juguete, mármol-piedra natural y áridos, madera – mueble e iluminación, químico, automoción, plástico, envases y embalaje, papel y artes gráficas, valorización de residuos y los sectores emergentes de la biotecnología, producción audiovisual y producción de videojuegos, dentro de la cuarta fase de implantación del Plan Estratégico de la Industria Valenciana”.